Sunday, 5 August 2012

Rigaud Wedding's Rock- it's official!

How exciting is this, Kate and Greg's wedding from back in May has been featured on uber sophisticated top UK wedding blog  Rock My Wedding

Big love and thanks to:
Kate and Greg for sharing their amazing wedding photos and taking time to write such kind words about the planning, preparation, the big day itself (and for giving me a super sweet little mention!)
Very talented photographer Amy of Especially Amy who captured all these beautiful images.
Adam over at RMW for putting together such a lovely feature.
Team Rigaud; who totally Rock! Official!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Around the World

With summer flying past in the blink of an eye I thought I better update the blog so there are four to come in quick succession before we get into the second half of the season weddings starting this Saturday! 
Lisa and Andre came to not one but two wedding planning weekends so by the time they returned for their wedding in June it felt like seeing friends again. Groom Andre is from New Zealand and with a lot of their guests making quite lengthy journeys to join them here in France the theme of travel was carefully woven into the styling of the wedding.  The table plan was a big vintage style map of the world with carefully pinned luggage tags which featured not only the guests name but also where they had travelled from which was a lovely touch.  The place settings were amazing and featured hand made booklets with maps, the menu for the evening and a handwritted personal note to each individual guest from the bride and groom, all the hard work and effort to make these certainly paid off as they were greatly admired by everyone.  
Lisa's mum Elaine was heavily involved in the flowers and together we came up with a grand scheme involving seven rose chandeliers and a slightly more arranged look for the table centre.  With so much to do it was time to call in the cavalry, I am eternally grateful for all the help I received from Chris who made the stunning centrepieces in zinc buckets. As a competition winning flower arranger it was fantastic to work with her and I learnt lots from her.
Great photos again from Steve!

Each medium 'chandelier' had 50 roses tied on the morning of the wedding. Photo by Steve Carss

6 rose chandeliers the length of the wedding barn. Photo by Steve Carss

Double width table with lilac runner (provided by the bride). Photo by Steve Carss

'Hicksville' sound check in the wedding barn. Photo by Steve Carss

Fabulous table flower arrangements by Chris. Photo by Steve Carss

Wicker cone on barn door. Photo by Steve Carss

Vintage map table plan. Photo by Steve Carss

Lisa brought these beautiful hand-made place settings. Photo by Steve Carss

Place settings which featured a hand written message to each individual guest. Photo by Steve Carss
Rose chandelier in barn. Photo by Steve Carss